-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 # IB Haven Canary and Transparency Report #4 ## This letter is digitally signed at UTC time 2023-06-02T17:42:51Z Roughly every month, a new transparency report will be created. If it has been more than three months since the last signed message, unless otherwise noted, you should assume something is wrong. You can also request a signed message personally. Delays are always possible, like with major holidays or vacations. Those will be mentioned in the previous report with when to expect the next report. - ----------- ### PGP key owner: nek0sauce created February 28th, 2023 ### PGP Fingerprint: 7397 79B5 DC73 2369 43AC 3BBC A63A 97CF 9B1E 1C82 ### You are encouraged to save the public key available at this location: * http://ibdocmntndt7vvl4gdz3oujooz3aqwofgbldhfr3btw3qzy7xhjwq2id.onion/contact.html ### An archive of reports is available at this location: * http://ibdocmntndt7vvl4gdz3oujooz3aqwofgbldhfr3btw3qzy7xhjwq2id.onion/canary/ ### The latest report is available at this location: * http://ibdocmntndt7vvl4gdz3oujooz3aqwofgbldhfr3btw3qzy7xhjwq2id.onion/canary/canary.txt - ----------- ### Since the creation of IB Haven, we have received the following: * Number of court orders: 0 * Number of legal copyright-related complaints: 0 * Number of law enforcement requests or demands: 0 * Amount of information shared with a third-party: 0 * Number of known security breaches, including data leaks, of user data: 0 Since the last canary, have the above numbers changed? No There has never been a National Security Letter or gag-order sent to IB Haven. Nor is there anything important otherwise that IB Haven is being prevented from mentioning. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYKAB0WIQRzl3m13HMjaUOsO7ymOpfPmx4cggUCZfvRJgAKCRCmOpfPmx4c gqXBAP48qYxppnpfOluHPKUvDHQ3pnMlt27X78pMnSy+AwsPaQEA951cqvZC+8Z0 iuL67Mo2iDVpn6coLhcWsQnsvfequAU= =1GMZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----